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Social Activities & Programs

The majority of our supports are specifically for Teens & Young Adults with ASD, ADHD, Mild intellectual & neurodiverse disabilities (including psychosocial) wanting to improve social skills therefore all our social activities & programs are designed to engage through fun, inclusive activities that promote maximum interactions & teamwork in a non-therapeutic organic way.


 We ensure we offer a wide range of different activities each week with people regularly booking the following weekend to catch up and nurture their newly made friendships that often form on our engaging activities.


We love seeing these friendships form, seeing our participants come out of their shell and improving their social skills on each trip is truly rewarding for both participants & staff!


All bookings of activities are now available online (check out our bookings tab above) and contact us if you have any other great ideas for social activities or programs you would like to see us facilitate in the future, we're all ears.




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